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Get to know a little bit about each of our Berners! We are hoping to have our first successful breeding, spring of 2022!

Parents: Available Pets


Here is our Copper Boy! From a puppy to a handsome young stud!! 
He was our first Bernese Mountain Dog and has the role of the oldest! Copper turned 1 year old on August 18 2021!
He is so playful and a big teddy bear with our four children! His favorite trick is to shake your hand, and if you are standing next to him and not paying attention to him, you will feel him put his paw on your leg to get your attention!
Copper is very protective of his girls, Millie and Sadie and if you drive by our house, you can often see them playing and rolling around in the yard together! He’s the leader of the pack and keeps the girls in line!
He has beautiful marking you want in a Bernese! That thick stripe on his forehead and those white paws… he’s going to make BEAUTIFUL pups!



Our “Millie-Girl” as we call her! 
She is the sweetest girl! She loves attention and to be cuddled and pet! She will do anything for a treat and is the best listener of the three dogs, she LOVES to please us and hog all the attention! She is so loyal ❤️
Her temperament is amazing and our kids just adore her! She follows our kids all over the yard and keeps an eye on their shenanigans!
Her bone structure is on the more petite and slender side compared to our other female. She turned 1 on September 6th 2021. 
We can’t wait to see her become a mama in the near future and we just know her puppies will have as sweet as a temperament as her!



This is our youngest Berner, Sadie! She will be turning ONE, on November 8th 2021! She is definitely “the baby” of the family in every aspect! She does what she wants and doesn’t really care about the consequences 😂 very similar to our youngest daughter 😂 (spoiled much?). 
She will do anything for a treat and just wants to be loved on! Sadie loves water and her favorite part of summer is to drink from the hose and play in the baby pool!
Sadie is so sweet and is always watching our kids and keeping tabs on them when they are swimming! She wants so badly to jump right in the pool with them but mama says no because her hair will clog up the pool filter 😂
She will be our biggest dog when they are all full grown, she is thick and big boned, has amazing Bernese coloring and markings and we can’t wait to see her future puppies!!

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